Young children putting bookbags ans coats into a set of Premium Solid Maple Coat Lockers
Create a welcoming transitional entryway
Opportunities to say hello and goodbye to a loved one in a comforting environment are important to young children as they venture outside the familiarity of their own homes.

Ease transitions

Having a space to store personal items at the start of every day helps set a routine and lets children know they are moving from the outside world into their learning environment.

Corduroy and Be Kind

Reassure with stories

Heartwarming stories help children cope with separation anxiety when their world feels a little scary.

Make it easy

Put captivating materials on low shelves or in clear containers to encourage independence.

Events do not have to meet the criteria for trauma to have a negative impact on a child. Sometimes a child has bigger-than-expected reactions to changes or stressful events, or these reactions may continue for longer than you had imagined.

Ginger Welch, PhDHow Can I Help? A Teacher's Guide to Early Childhood Behavioral Health

Provide reassurances

Invite an anxious child to bring a familiar item to school for comfort.